2.1. Text

iDevice ikon

The following reply arrived two days later:

Dear Mr. Robinson, January, 3rd ....


We are glad to hear that you liked our article on biometrics. Coincidentally, the next article we were planning to publish was going to be about biometrics on PCs. Unfortunately, however, my colleague responsible for the publication is ill at the moment and so is unable to meet the deadline, which is the end of January.

If you would like to do some online research and write an article yourself, we could offer you a reasonable fee for your work.

Our online articles are between 1200 and 1500 characters including spaces for which we pay between 200 and 250 dollars.

Please reply as soon as possible to indicate whether or not you are interested in this opportunity.

I would like to warn you that - as the date of our next publication is the 31st January - we would need your manuscript by 26th January and your acceptance of this offer emailed to us by the 14th January.

If we do not receive an affirmative answer by that date, we will have to find somebody else for the task.

I look forward to your prompt reply.


Best regards,

David Chaytor

BiomeTrix Marketing Manager