6.1. Text

iDevice ikon

Peter, a university student and junior manager at DoTech is a very busy person. Besides his studies, he is a member of several online forums and communities, not to mention the tennis club where he has been playing for years.

His numerous commitments keep him very busy so he has to be well-organized not to miss an appointment or let his friends down.

His mobile keeps on ringing day and night, his answer machine is always full of messages and he sometimes spends much of the night replying to emails.

The situation is becoming unbearable, so he has decided to create some order by using an online personal organizer, which will remind him of appointments, anniversaries and other important commitments.

Firstly, he decides to check on the internet whether there is any such free software available to download. He is glad when he finds some, but the trial versions always have some inbuilt limitations, such as a limit on the number of events contacts which can be stored and, of course, the software often disables itself once the trial period is complete. As it would be time consuming to try each program one at a time, he is trying to be very careful before choosing one. He tries to compare the advantages and disadvantages of three or four pieces of software before selecting the most suitable for his purposes. Finally, he chooses one and decides to buy it immediately without using the trial period because it offers a wide range of facilities at a reasonable price.